EGCG: The Ultimate Fat-Burning, Health-Boosting Supplement
It's in green tea extract, and it should be in your supplement cabinet, too.
L-Tyrosine: Your Secret Weapon For Better Energy and Mental Focus
The benefits of this key amino acid present in both Shred JYM and SS8 extend far beyond fat loss.
Get Shredded with these 2 Fat Burners
Wherever you are in your transformation journey, SS8 or Shred JYM can deliver a fat loss edge.
SS8 Advanced Fat Burner vs. Shred JYM
The similarities and differences between my SS8 Advanced Fat Burner and the original Shred JYM formula.
The Best Fat Burner You've Never Tried
A great fat loss training program like SS8 deserves an equally effective fat-burning supplement.
Shred JYM: The Fat Burner that Actually Works
My interview with JYM Army member Justin Kamb on one of the tools he used to drop 100 pounds – Shred JYM.
Shred JYM Ingredient Breakdown
Consistency in your diet and training is critical to fat loss—but that doesn't mean you can't help the process along. Below is the rundown on the ingredients in Shred JYM and how they can help promote better fat loss.