JYM Athlete Josh Mota builds huge delts with this high-volume routine.

Build bigger, more striated delts with this workout by JYM Athlete Josh Mota. This is a pure "meat and potatoes" routine of shoulder presses and raises – 24 sets total, all in the muscle-friendly rep range of 10-12. Check out the above video to see Josh demonstrate all six exercises. Here are some coaching cues for executing the movements properly:

Smith Machine Shoulder Press: Lower the bar to chin level; don't go below that. This will keep your shoulders safe and keep tension on the deltoids.

Standing EZ-Bar Reverse Shoulder Press: Grip the EZ-bar at shoulder width and press it up at roughly a 45-degree angle.

Dumbbell Lateral Raise: Josh keeps his palms facing backward for full isolation.

Dumbbell Front Raise: Do these one arm at a time, alternating sides every rep, keeping your thumb up with palm facing inward.

Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise: Keep your torso stationary throughout to fully isolate the rear delts; don't swing your body up.

Dumbbell "Functional" Shoulder Raise: Start with a front raise, and at the top shift the dumbbells out to the sides (to the top position of a lateral raise). Lower the dumbbells down to your sides, then lift back up in a lateral raise. At the top, shift the dumbbells to the top of a front raise, then lower down. That's one rep.

Exercise Sets Reps

Smith Machine Shoulder Press



Standing EZ-Bar Reverse Shoulder Press



Dumbbell Lateral Raise



Dumbbell Front Raise


10-12 per side

Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise



Dumbbell "Functional" Shoulder Raise




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Tags: Shoulders