Natural IFBB Pro Bodybuilder born and raised in Dayton, Ohio.

Stefan's Bio

A Natural IFBB Pro Bodybuilder born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. After graduating from The Ohio State University with a degree in Exercise Physiology Stefan decided to venture across the United States to start his own Personal Training business. After growing his business locally in Los Angeles, California he expanded his business online giving himself the opportunity to help individuals all around the world with their health and fitness goals. Using social media platforms, Stefan has been able to inspire and motivate people all around the globe to achieve their best self both inside and outside of the gym.

Personal Stats

  • Age: 29
  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 180lbs
  • Residence: California, USA
Click Clack

Q&A With Stefan Rivera-Clack

What got you into fitness in the first place?
What were some of the biggest challenges in your fitness journey?
What's your #1 tip for those who want to make a transformation?
Why did you choose the JYM Supplement line over all of the other options out there?
What are your goals going forward?

Stefan's Favorite Products

Post JYM BCAAs+ Recovery Matrix - Blue Arctic Freeze
Post JYM Dextrose Carbs - Blue Arctic Freeze