Get the best results possible from the best supplements on the market with this comprehensive owner's manual for the entire JYM product line.
Taking supplements for optimal results isn’t just a random thing. There’s a science to it, literally. Timing is critical, as are proper ingredient amounts, and the biochemical interactions between those individual ingredients. I’ve taken care of formulating all the JYM products for you in the right combinations and in the safest, most effective amounts.
Unfortunately, compliance regulations on supplement labeling prevents me from listing the most effective and thorough serving recommendations on some JYM products. That said, there are a few tricks of the trade I recommend implementing to achieve the best results possible with the JYM Supplement Science line. I’ve outlined them all right here, in one place, for each individual JYM product. Follow these “rules” while hitting the gym hard and eating well, and you’ll be leaving nothing to chance.
Storing Your JYM Supplements
To avoid any breakdown of ingredients, your supplements should never be exposed to prolonged heat. Store them indoors in a dry place at room temperature. Generally speaking, they should be kept at between 32 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Feel free to reserve a kitchen cabinet for all your JYM products – just make sure that cabinet isn’t right above or below a heat source like your oven or stove. Your best bet is to keep them in the pantry or other cabinet away from the stove and refrigerator. Both the refrigerator and the bathroom should be avoided due to humidity, though Omega JYM does well in the fridge.
Pre JYM & Naturally-Sweetened Pre JYM
- Shake up the container of Pre JYM or Naturally-Sweetened Pre JYM (making sure the cap is on tight!) before use to make sure all 13 ingredients are mixed up, remain in their intended ratios and none have settled at the bottom. I recommend taking the scoop out before you do this so it doesn’t get buried in the powder!
- Mix Pre JYM in plenty of water. The label instructs 14 ounces of water, so use that much at the very least. Personally, I use 20-24 ounces. You want to make sure all ingredients dissolve (creatine in particular) to ensure they’re getting into your system gradually as you sip on the solution, and this requires a sufficient amount of water. You don’t want the creatine sitting at the bottom and taking all of it in with your last gulp of Pre JYM; this could cause digestive discomfort (not to mention explosive diarrhea) for those sensitive to creatine.
- Be sure the water isn't too cold. Warmer water will allow the ingredients to go into solution quicker. Watch my Daily Video Tip on my YouTube channel regarding making ice-cold Pre JYM and Post JYM after the ingredients go into solution.
- Mix/shake Pre JYM vigorously with water, then let it sit for at least 10-15 minutes (while frequently shaking it) before starting to sip on it to make sure all ingredients are dissolved into solution. Don’t just mix Pre JYM and then immediately start drinking it. That said, don’t let mixed up Pre JYM sit for more than around eight hours if kept in the fridge or three hours at room temperature – if you do, the creatine will start to break down.
- Don’t chug Pre JYM. Sip on it over the course of the 20-45 minutes leading up to your workout to ensure maximal absorption of all ingredients in your body. And during that time, keep shaking your bottle periodically. Personally, I like to give it a shake before every sip just to make sure it’s all getting dissolved and mixed properly.
- Pre JYM may cause a mild tingling sensation in your skin. This is known as paresthesia. Don’t be concerned. This is due to the beta-alanine and is perfectly normal and safe.
- Learn more about the ingredients in Pre JYM, including how and why they work, by reading my Pre JYM Ingredient Breakdown.
- For best results, take Pre JYM in combination with Post JYM (Pre JYM before workouts, Post JYM after workouts.)
- Instructions for how to take Pre JYM X are very similar to Pre JYM.
- Shake up the container of Pre JYM X (making sure the cap is on tight!) before use to make sure all ingredients are mixed up and remain in their intended ratios.
- Mix Pre JYM X in plenty of water – I recommend 16-24 ounces – to make sure all ingredients dissolve into solution. And again, I recommend warmer water for mixing it, then adding ice after it's in solution.
- Mix/shake Pre JYM X vigorously with water, then let it sit for at least 10-15 minutes (while frequently shaking it) before starting to sip on it to make sure all ingredients are dissolved into solution. Don’t just mix it and immediately start drinking, but don't let it sit for more than eight hours in the fridge or three hours at room temperature.
- Don’t chug Pre JYM X. Sip on it leading up to your workout, then continue sipping it during your workout. This is the one major difference between using Pre JYM X versus the original Pre JYM; because Pre JYM X contains a greater amount of total ingredients – plus larger servings of creatine HCl, beta-alanine, and citrulline malate – I recommend sipping on it over a longer period of time than you would Pre JYM. For example, if you'd normally sip on Pre JYM for 30 minutes, sip on Pre JYM X for at least 45 minutes (give or take). During that time, keep shaking your bottle periodically.
- Pre JYM X may cause a mild tingling sensation in your skin. This is known as paresthesia and is due to the beta-alanine (which is present in Pre JYM X in twice the amount of Pre JYM). Don’t be concerned – this is totally normal and safe.
- Learn more about the ingredients in Pre JYM X, scroll down the Pre JYM X product page on
Post JYM BCAAs+ Recovery Matrix & Naturally Sweetened Post JYM BCAAs+ Recovery Matrix
The guidelines here are very similar to Pre JYM, since the two products contain several common ingredients (BCAAs, creatine, beta-alanine, betaine):
- Shake up the container of Post JYM BCAAS+ Recovery Matrix or Naturally-Sweetened Post JYM BCAAs+ Recovery Matrix (making sure the cap is on tight!) before use to make sure all 13 ingredients are mixed up, stay in their intended ratios and none have settled at the bottom. I recommend taking the scoop out before you do this so it doesn’t get buried in the powder!
- Mix Post JYM in plenty of water. I recommend at least 20 ounces, and up to 32.
- If you’re having Post JYM Fast-Digesting Carbs (or Naturally-Sweetened Post JYM Fast-Digesting Carbs), throw that in the shaker cup too.
- Mix/shake Post JYM vigorously with water and then let it sit for awhile – at least 10-15 minutes while continuing to shake it up periodically – before sipping on it. If possible, have your Post JYM already mixed before your workout so it’s waiting for you when you finish training (preferably in a cooler or refrigerator so it stays cold for the best taste). Shake it up again, then starting sipping. Just don’t let mixed up Post JYM sit for more than around eight hours refrigerated – if you do, the creatine will start to break down.
- Again, sip on Post JYM slowly over the next 20+ minutes for maximal absorption and to avoid any stomach discomfort.
- If you have Post JYM dextrose mixed in, your post-workout carbs are taken care of. If not, chomp on your fast carbs – gummy bears, pixy sticks, white bread, etc. – as you’re drinking your Post JYM BCAAs+ Recovery Matrix. (Read my article To Carb or Not to Carb? to learn why I recommend fast-digesting carbs post-workout.)
- I’m not overly particular about whether you take Post JYM or Pro JYM first after your workout. I typically finish my Pro JYM before I start sipping on Post JYM, but many other people start sipping on their Post JYM immediately after working out and then chug their Pro JYM when they’re finished with that. Either way is fine.
- Post JYM may cause a mild tingling sensation in your skin. Again, it's just the beta-alanine. Don’t be concerned.
- Learn more by reading my Post JYM Ingredient Breakdown
- For best results, take Post JYM in combination with Pre JYM (Pre JYM before workouts, Post JYM after workouts.)
- JYM BCAAs provides the ideal 2:1:1 ratio of leucine to isoleucine to valine (the three branched-chain amino acids). There are four main times of the day when supplementing BCAAs is beneficial: before workouts, after workouts, between meals, and with meals that provide fewer than 30 grams of protein (which leaves you short on adequate leucine intake to maximize protein synthesis). These four times are covered in my The Best Way to Use BCAAs article.
- If you're taking Pre JYM and Post JYM before and after workouts, respectively, your BCAA needs are covered and you don't need additional BCAAs at these times. If you're not taking Pre JYM and Post JYM and want to get the benefits of BCAAs for energy (pre-workout) and muscle protein synthesis/recovery (post-workout), take one scoop of JYM BCAAs with 30 minutes before workouts and again within 30 minutes after workouts.
- During meals, if whole foods like chicken, beef, and/or eggs are providing you more than 30 grams of protein, again, no need to take more BCAAs. If your meal is coming up short of that, however, take up to one scoop of JYM BCAAs at some point during the meal.
- To spike muscle protein synthesis (MPS) between meals, take one scoop of JYM BCAAs two hours after your previous meal. Do this between all meals during the day, unless you'll be getting BCAAs through food or Pre JYM/Post JYM during these times (two hours after the previous meal). For a more thorough explanation of this, read my Intermittent Eating article. In the sample meal plan in that article, JYM BCAAs is taken twice during the day – between breakfast and lunch, and again between lunch and dinner. In that sample meal plan, there are pre-workout and post-workout "meals" after dinner, at which times Pre JYM and Post JYM are taken.
- To consume, mix one scoop of JYM BCAAs in at least 10 ounces of water in a shaker cup. Shake it up good so it mixes, then drink. Unlike Pre JYM and Post JYM, JYM BCAAs doesn't need to sit after shaking or sipped on slowly.
Pro JYM & Naturally-Sweetened Pro JYM
- How much water you mix with Pro JYM or Naturally-Sweetened Pro JYM isn’t as crucial as it is with Pre JYM and Post JYM. It’s really a matter of personal preference. If you like a thicker protein shake, go with 4-6 ounces of water. But feel free to mix it with more than that (12 ounces or so) if you like. Just remember, if you’re having more than one scoop of Pro JYM at a time, you’ll probably want to add more water to keep the taste consistent. So 8-12 ounces of water with two scoops of Pro JYM would give you a nice thick shake.
- There’s no need to let Pro JYM sit for a while after mixing or sip on it slowly (as with Pre JYM and Post JYM). Feel free to shake your bottle up vigorously so it all mixes well, then slam it. That said, simply for taste and texture purposes, I recommend mixing your Pro JYM shake and letting it sit in your refrigerator for 30 minutes or more. This thickens it up a bit and it tastes amazing!
- As for timing pre-workout, have your Pro JYM shake before workouts in the same time window as you’re having your Pre JYM. Personally, I like to mix up a big batch of Pro JYM (2 scoops or so, or 50-60 grams worth of protein) and start sipping on it about 15 minutes before my workout. And then I’ll continue sipping it through my workout and into my post-workout window. But feel free to down your Pro JYM shortly before your workout, either right after or just as you’re finishing your Pre JYM. Or, drink your Pro JYM 30-45 minutes before your workout, then start sipping on your Pre JYM. You can also mix Pre JYM and Pro JYM together. This is one of the main reasons I developed orange mango Pre JYM; it tastes amazing when mixed with vanilla Pro JYM.
- As I mentioned above in the Post JYM section, after workouts you can either drink your Pro JYM immediately following your training session and then sip on your Post JYM after that, or vice versa. Whatever you prefer.
- You don’t have to mix Pro JYM in water. It also mixes well in milk, including almond milk and other types.
- Because Pro JYM provides a good amount of calcium (400 mg), it's a good idea to take vitamin D3 with it, which enhances the uptake and utilization of calcium.
- Learn more by reading my Pro JYM Ingredient Breakdown
Check out my video demonstration on How to Take Pre JYM, Pro JYM, and Post JYM around workout time.
And here's a video on mixing Pre JYM with Pro JYM before workouts when you're short on time.
- Use Iso JYM Clear Whey Protein Isolate the same way you would any other protein powder. It’s a great protein source first thing in the morning, with meals, between meals, or around workouts.
- Take 1-2 scoops of Iso JYM, mixed in water, at any of the aforementioned times.
- Iso JYM can also be mixed with Pre JYM or Post JYM for delicious, complementary flavor combos that will provide fuel for workouts and boost recovery afterward. Mix Grape Iso JYM with Grape Candy Pre JYM, Mango Lime Iso JYM with Mandarin Orange Post JYM Recovery Matrix, or come up with your own combos.
- I didn’t create Iso JYM to replace Pro JYM, so feel free to use both. For example, have Iso JYM pre-workout and at other meals to bump up protein. Then, use Pro JYM post-workout and before bedtime for a longer-lasting bump in MPS. And feel free to alternate between Iso JYM and Pro JYM however you want. If you’re in the mood for a light, fruit-flavored protein drink, choose Iso JYM. When you want something creamier that tastes more like a milkshake, go with Pro JYM.
- Learn more about Iso JYM, who it's for, and why I created it in this article: Iso JYM Clear Whey Protein Isolate
Plant JYM
- Use my 100% plant-based protein powder Plant JYM (a blend of pea and rice protein isolates) the same way you would any other protein powder. Have it first thing in the morning, with meals, between meals, around workouts, or before bedtime.
- Plant JYM is great for anyone who wants or needs a non-animal-based protein source – one that actually tastes good! Plant JYM is also gluten-free and soy-free, so if you're gluten sensitive and/or don't want soy, this is a great product for you.
- Take 1-2 scoops of Plant JYM, mixed in water or milk, at any of the aforementioned times. If you're taking Plant JYM because you're lactose intolerant or vegan, you'll want to use a non-dairy milk (like almond milk or cashew milk).
- If you're not vegan or lactose-intolerant and you like Pro JYM, you can still use Plant JYM. Pro JYM and Plant JYM have the same macronutrient and amino acid profiles, so you can use either/or (depending on your dietary needs and preferences), or both.
- If you alternate between Pro JYM and Plant JYM, I recommend using Pro JYM after workouts (because of how fast whey absorbs) and before bedtime (because of how slow casein absorbs).
- Learn more about Plant JYM, who it's for, and why I created it in this article: Plant JYM Vegan Protein Powder: 100% Plant-Based Muscle Gains.
Mass JYM
- As with Pro JYM, how much water you mix Mass JYM in depends on how you thick you want your shake to be. I generally recommend 10-12 ounces of water for every scoop of Mass JYM, or 20-24 ounces per two scoops. But again, experiment with different amounts of water (or other milk, if you like) to find the thickness and consistency you want.
- No need to let Mass JYM sit after mixing or to sip on it slowly. Same rules apply as with Pro JYM – mix it up well and enjoy! Because Mass JYM is more than just protein (it has sufficient amounts of carbs and fat for a well-balanced meal supplement), you may prefer to use a blender to make sure it gets thoroughly mixed.
- Mass JYM can be taken as a pre-workout meal instead of Pro JYM, and if you want you can even take it post-workout. But it was more designed to be taken as an additional meal or snack for those looking to maximize lean muscle gains. You could have a scoop or two of Mass JYM for breakfast, before bed, as a snack during the day – pretty much whenever.
- Just like Pro JYM, mix Mass JYM in whatever liquid you want – water, milk, almond milk, your choice.
Vita JYM
- Always take my Vita JYM multivitamin with a meal (paricularly a higher fat meal) to ensure proper absorption of nutrients in your body.
- However, make sure the meal you’re taking Vita JYM with is low in calcium, as calcium interferes with the absorption of iron and manganese, both of which are present in this multivitamin. So Vita JYM and Pro JYM (high in calcium at 400 mg per serving) should definitely be taken at separate times. Save Vita JYM for a meal that doesn’t include cheese, milk, yogurt or other dairy. A good guideline is to try to keep calcium intake under 200 mg when taking Vita JYM. The lower the calcium, the better.
- Vita JYM (not to mention most other multivitamins on the market) will make your urine turn a bright yellow color. Don’t be concerned; this is totally normal and mainly due to the B vitamins in Vita JYM.
- You can also take Omega JYM at the same time as Vita JYM to boost the fat amount you consume with Vita JYM.
- Learn more by reading my Vita JYM Ingredient Breakdown
Omega JYM
- Always take Omega JYM fish oil with a meal – but it doesn’t need to be a low calcium meal.
- The recommended serving of Omega JYM is four capsules a day. You can either take the four capsules all at once with the meal of your choice or split it up into two, 2-capsule servings. Whatever you prefer.
- It’s common with fish oil supplements for some people to experience undesirable “fishy” burps. I took special care with Omega JYM to minimize the burps, but it could still happen with some people, especially with the high amount of Omega-3 fats. If you’re getting the burps, I recommend storing Omega JYM in the refrigerator, splitting up your servings, and taking your Omega JYM with the largest meal possible. Here's a YouTube video tip on Cold Omega JYM.
- Learn more by reading my Omega JYM Ingredient Breakdown
SS8 Advanced Fat Burner
- SS8 Advanced Fat-Burner can be taken with or without meals, though some people don’t tolerate green tea extract well on an empty stomach. If this is the case with you, take SS8 with meals.
- SS8 contains 300mg caffeine per serving, so keep that in mind when coordinating with other caffeinated beverages. Pre JYM contains 300mg of caffeine, so I typically recommend not taking these two products in proximity with each other, especially for if you’re caffeine sensitive.
- Caffeine sensitive individuals should also not take SS8 within six hours of bedtime, as it could interfere with you getting a good night’s sleep.
- That said, 200mg of SS8’s caffeine is time-released (via zümXR® delivery technology), meaning it provides a more gradual onset of effects than caffeine anhydrous. Because of this, SS8 may be more tolerable than Shred JYM for caffeine sensitive individuals.
- I recommend starting with 1 serving of SS8 per day, but those who tolerate caffeine well can take up to 2-3 daily servings.
- Learn more by reading my SS8 Advanced Fat Burner vs. Shred JYM
- Shred JYM can be taken with or without meals, though some people don’t tolerate green tea extract well on an empty stomach. If this is you, take Shred JYM with meals.
- Shred JYM contains 200mg of caffeine per serving, so keep that in mind when coordinating with other caffeinated beverages. Pre JYM contains 300mg of caffeine, so I typically recommend not taking these two products in proximity with each other, especially if you’re caffeine sensitive.
- Caffeine sensitive individuals should also not take Shred JYM close to bedtime, as it could interfere with you getting a good night’s sleep.
- While I recommend starting with 2 servings per day, those who tolerate caffeine well can do 3 daily servings.
- If you're sensitive to caffeine, consider starting with less than the full recommended amount until you find you tolerate that lower amount well. Then you can gradually increase to the full recommended serving.
- Those who weigh less than 120 pounds may find that using a 1/2 serving of Shred JYM is adequate.
- Learn more by reading my Shred JYM Ingredient Breakdown
Alpha JYM
- First of all, be sure to read the Alpha JYM FAQs in the link below to determine if Alpha JYM is right for you.
- It's best to take Alpha JYM with a meal to ensure proper absorption.
- On training days, take Alpha JYM about an hour before your workout, which will fall a short time before your pre-workout Pre JYM and Pro JYM intake.
- Morning and nighttime are other good times to take Alpha JYM.
- Here's a video on How to Take Alpha JYM.
- Learn more by reading my Alpha JYM Ingredient Breakdown
- ZMA JYM's blend of zinc and magenesium is most effective when taken on an empty stomach, so take it at least one hour after your previous meal or snack and wait at least an hour after taking it before eating again. Calcium in particular hinders the absorption of ZMA’s ingredients in the body.
- ZMA supplements are typically taken at night before bedtime, as it’s been shown to improve sleep quality to promote better recovery. I recommend taking it shortly before bedtime as well (30-60 minutes prior), but you certainly don’t have to. You can take it between any meal during the day if you prefer.
- The recommended serving of ZMA JYM for men is three capsules a day. Women should take only two capsules daily.
- Learn more by reading my ZMA JYM Ingredient Breakdown
How to Take the Entire JYM Supplement Line Together
Due to the massive amount of requests from people for an article that explains how to take all of the JYM Supplement products in a single day, I put together the following examples. Below, you will find a sample workout day, based on what time you train, as well as a sample rest day that shows you when to take what supplement.
The point of this article will be just a template for you to use to incorporate the JYM line of supplements into your daily diet. Remember, the diet samples below are just a template to use and not a meal plan that I suggest you follow every day. Use the samples just as an outline of where to take each of the JYM products during the day depending on when you train,
The sample daily diets below also include a supplement that I suggest you take in addition to the JYM supplements: Vitamin D3. The importance of this vitamin is explored in the Vita JYM Ingredient Breakdown, linked above.
The daily totals for these diets are: 3700 calories, 335 g protein, 340 g carbs, and 110 grams of fat. For a 200 pound person that equals 19 calories per pound, about 1.6 grams of protein per pound, just shy of 1.7 grams of carbs per pound, and just over 0.5 grams of fat per pound of body weight.
For Those Who Train in the Morning
Pre-workout (15-45 minutes before workout)
- 1 scoop Pre JYM pre-workout
- 1 scoop Pro JYM, Iso JYM or Plant JYM protein powder
- (you can have Pre JYM and protein in any order or drink together)
- 1 medium-large apple
- 2000-6000 IU Vitamin D3
- 1 serving Alpha JYM
Post-workout (within 30 minutes after workout)
- 1 scoop Post JYM active matrix
- 1 scoop Post JYM fast carbs
- 1-2 scoops Pro JYM protein powder
- (you can have Post JYM and Pro JYM in any order or drink together)
- 3 whole eggs
- 3 egg whites
- 1 Tbsp Olive oil (scramble eggs cook in olive oil)
- 2 cups cooked Oatmeal (1 cup dry oats before cooking)
- 1 Tbsp honey (mix honey in oatmeal)
- 1 serving Vita JYM
- 4 capsules Omega JYM
Between Breakfast and Snack
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - you can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with breakfast or the snack)
Late morning snack
- 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
- 1 cup sliced pineapple (mix pineapple in cottage cheese)
- 1 can albacore tuna
- 2 slices whole-wheat (or Ezekiel) bread
- 1 Tbsp light mayonnaise (make tuna sandwich)
- 1 large piece of fruit (apple, orange, banana, etc.)
Between Lunch and Snack
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - you can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with lunch or the snack)
Afternoon Snack
- 1 scoop Pro JYM, Iso JYM or Plant JYM protein powder
- 1Tbsp Peanut butter
- 1 Tbsp Jam
- 2 slices whole-wheat (or Ezekiel) bread (make PB sandwich to eat with shake)
Between Snack and Dinner
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - this is only if you want 3 daily servings of Shred JYM or SS8. You can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with dinner or after, depending on your caffeine tolerance late in the day)
- 8 oz. New York Strip Steak (or salmon or other fish, or chicken or other poultry, or pork)
- 1 medium sweet potato (or cup of brown rice or cup of beans)
- 2 cups mixed green Salad
- 2 Tbsp salad dressing (olive oil and vinegar)
- 1 serving Alpha JYM
Nighttime Supplements (1 hour before bed)
- 1 serving ZMA
Before Bed Snack (immediately before bed)
- 1 cup cottage cheese
- or 1 cup Greek yogurt (with 1 teaspoon honey and 1 Tbsp peanut butter)
- or 1 scoop Pro JYM protein powder (due to the blend of whey isolate, milk protein isolate, and micellar casein in Pro JYM, this protein powder provides a slow and steady supply of amino acids for up to 7 hours, which makes it an upgrade from your standard bedtime casein protein shake)
For Those Who Train at Lunch
As soon as you wake up
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - you can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with breakfast)
- 1 scoop Pro JYM, Iso JYM or Plant JYM mixed in water
- 3 whole eggs
- 3 egg whites
- 1 Tbsp Olive oil
- 1 slice low-fat/reduced fat cheese (scramble eggs cook in olive oil and add cheese to melt)
- 2 cups cooked Oatmeal (1 cup dry oats before cooking)
- 1 Tbsp honey (mix honey in oatmeal)
- 2000-6000 IU Vitamin D3
- 1 serving Alpha JYM
Late morning snack
- 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
- 1 cup sliced pineapple
- (mix pineapple in cottage cheese)
Pre-workout (15-45 minutes before workout)
- 1 scoop Pre JYM pre-workout
- 1 scoop Pro JYM, Iso JYM or Plant JYM (you can have Pre JYM and protein in any order or drink together)
- 1 medium-large apple
- 1 serving Alpha JYM
Post-workout (within 30 minutes after workout)
- 1 scoop Post JYM active matrix
- 1 scoop Post JYM fast carbs
- 1-2 scoops Pro JYM protein powder (you can have Post JYM and Pro JYM in any order or drink together)
- 1 can albacore tuna
- 2 slices whole-wheat (or Ezekiel) bread
- 1 Tbsp light mayonnaise (make tuna sandwich)
- 1 large piece of fruit (apple, orange, banana, etc.)
Between Lunch and Snack
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - you can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with lunch or the snack)
Afternoon Snack
- 1 scoop Pro JYM, Iso JYM or Plant JYM mixed in water
- 1 Tbsp Peanut butter
- 1 Tbsp Jam
- 2 slices whole-wheat (or Ezekiel) bread (make PB sandwich to eat with shake)
Between Snack and Dinner
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - this is only if you want 3 daily servings of Shred JYM or SS8. You can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with dinner or after, depending on your caffeine tolerance late in the day)
- 8 oz. New York Strip Steak (or salmon or other fish, or chicken or other poultry, or pork)
- 1 medium sweet potato (or cup of brown rice or cup of beans)
- 2 cups mixed green Salad
- 2 Tbsp salad dressing (olive oil and vinegar)
- 1 serving Vita JYM
- 4 capsules Omega JYM
Nighttime Supplements (1 hour before bed)
- 1 serving ZMA
Before Bed Snack (immediately before bed)
- 1 cup cottage cheese
- or 1 cup Greek yogurt (with 1 teaspoon honey and 1 Tbsp peanut butter)
- or 1 scoop Pro JYM protein powder (due to the blend of whey isolate, milk protein isolate, and micellar casein in Pro JYM, this protein powder provides a slow and steady supply of amino acids for up to 7 hours, which makes it an upgrade from your standard bedtime casein protein shake)
For Those Who Train in the Evening After Work or School
As soon as you wake up
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - you can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with breakfast)
- 1 scoop Pro JYM, Iso JYM or Plant JYM mixed in water
- 3 whole eggs
- 3 egg whites
- 1 Tbsp Olive oil
- 1 slice low-fat/reduced fat cheese (scramble eggs cook in olive oil and add cheese to melt)
- 2 cups cooked Oatmeal (1 cup dry oats before cooking)
- 1 Tbsp honey (mix honey in oatmeal)
- 2000-6000 IU Vitamin D3
- 1 serving Alpha JYM
Late morning snack
- 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
- 1 cup sliced pineapple (mix pineapple in cottage cheese)
Between Snack and Lunch
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - you can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with the snack or with lunch)
- 1 can albacore tuna
- 2 slices whole-wheat (or Ezekiel) bread
- 1 Tbsp light mayonnaise (make tuna sandwich)
- 1 large piece of fruit (apple, orange, banana, etc.)
- 1 serving Vita JYM
- 4 capsules Omega JYM
Between Lunch and Snack
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - this is only if you want 3 daily servings of Shred JYM or SS8. You can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with the snack)
Afternoon Snack
- 1 scoop Pro JYM, Iso JYM or Plant JYM protein powder
- 1Tbsp Peanut butter
- 1 Tbsp Jam
- 2 slices whole-wheat (or Ezekiel) bread (make PB sandwich to eat with shake)
Pre-workout (15-45 minutes before workout)
- 1 scoop Pre JYM pre-workout
- 1 scoop Pro JYM, Iso JYM or Plant JYM (you can have Pre JYM and protein in any order or drink together)
- 1 medium-large apple
- 1 serving Alpha JYM
Post-workout (within 30 minutes after workout)
- 1 scoop Post JYM active matrix
- 1 scoop Post JYM fast carbs
- 1-2 scoops Pro JYM protein powder (you can have Post JYM and Pro JYM in any order or drink together)
- 8 oz. New York Strip Steak (or salmon or other fish, or chicken or other poultry, or pork)
- 1 medium sweet potato (or cup of brown rice or cup of beans)
- 2 cups mixed green Salad
- 2 Tbsp salad dressing (olive oil and vinegar)
Nighttime Supplements (1 hour before bed)
- 1 serving ZMA
Before Bed Snack (immediately before bed)
- 1 cup cottage cheese
- or 1 cup Greek yogurt (with 1 teaspoon honey and 1 Tbsp peanut butter)
- or 1 scoop Pro JYM protein powder (due to the blend of whey isolate, milk protein isolate, and micellar casein in Pro JYM, this protein powder provides a slow and steady supply of amino acids for up to 7 hours, which makes it an upgrade from your standard bedtime casein protein shake)
For Those Who Train at Night After Dinner
As soon as you wake up
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - you can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with breakfast)
- 1 scoop Pro JYM, Iso JYM or Plant JYM mixed in water
- 3 whole eggs
- 3 egg whites
- 1 Tbsp Olive oil
- 1 slice low-fat/reduced fat cheese (scramble eggs cook in olive oil and add cheese to melt)
- 2 cups cooked Oatmeal (1 cup dry oats before cooking)
- 1 Tbsp honey (mix honey in oatmeal)
- 2000-6000 IU Vitamin D3
- 1 serving Alpha JYM
Late morning snack
- 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
- 1 cup sliced pineapple (mix pineapple in cottage cheese)
Between Snack and Lunch
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - you can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with the snack or with lunch)
- 1 can albacore tuna
- 2 slices whole-wheat (or Ezekiel) bread
- 1 Tbsp light mayonnaise (make tuna sandwich)
- 1 large piece of fruit (apple, orange, banana, etc.)
- 1 serving Vita JYM
- 4 capsules Omega JYM
Afternoon Snack
- 1 scoop Pro JYM, Iso JYM or Plant JYM mixed in water
- 1Tbsp Peanut butter
- 1 Tbsp Jam
- 2 slices whole-wheat (or Ezekiel) bread (make PB sandwich to eat with shake)
Between Snack and Dinner
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - this is only if you want 3 daily servings of Shred JYM or SS8. You can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with the snack or dinner)
- 8 oz. New York Strip Steak (or salmon or other fish, or chicken or other poultry, or pork)
- 1 medium sweet potato (or cup of brown rice or cup of beans)
- 2 cups mixed green Salad
- 2 Tbsp salad dressing (olive oil and vinegar)
Pre-workout (15-45 minutes before workout)
- 1 scoop Pre JYM pre-workout
- 1 scoop Pro JYM, Iso JYM or Plant JYM (you can have Pre JYM and protein in any order or drink together)
- 1 medium-large apple
- 1 serving Alpha JYM
Post-workout (within 30 minutes after workout)
- 1 scoop Post JYM active matrix
- 1 scoop Post JYM fast carbs
- 1-2 scoops Pro JYM protein powder (you can have Post JYM and Pro JYM in any order or drink together)
Nighttime Supplements (1 hour before bed)
- 1 serving ZMA
Before Bed Snack (immediately before bed)
- 1 cup cottage cheese
- or 1 cup Greek yogurt (with 1 teaspoon honey and 1 Tbsp peanut butter)
- or 1 scoop Pro JYM protein powder (due to the blend of whey isolate, milk protein isolate, and micellar casein in Pro JYM, this protein powder provides a slow and steady supply of amino acids for up to 7 hours, which makes it an upgrade from your standard bedtime casein protein shake)
Rest Days (Days When You Do Not Train)
As soon as you wake up
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - you can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with breakfast)
- 1 scoop Pro JYM, Iso JYM or Plant JYM mixed in water
- 3 whole eggs
- 3 egg whites
- 1 Tbsp Olive oil
- 1 slice low-fat/reduced fat cheese
- (scramble eggs cook in olive oil and add cheese to melt)
- 2 cups cooked Oatmeal (1 cup dry oats before cooking)
- 1 Tbsp honey
- (mix honey in oatmeal)
- 2000-6000 IU vitamin D3
Late morning snack
- 1 scoop Pre JYM pre-workout
- or 1 scoop Post JYM active matrix
- 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
- 1 cup sliced pineapple
- (mix pineapple in cottage cheese)
Between Snack and Lunch
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - you can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with lunch)
- 1 can albacore tuna
- 2 slices whole-wheat (or Ezekiel) bread
- 1 Tbsp light mayonnaise (make tuna sandwich)
- 1 large piece of fruit (apple, orange, banana, etc.)
- 1 serving of Vita JYM
- 4 capsules Omega JYM
- 1 serving Alpha JYM
Afternoon Snack
- 1 scoop Pro JYM, Iso JYM or Plant JYM mixed in water
- 1Tbsp Peanut butter
- 1 Tbsp Jam
- 2 slices whole-wheat (or Ezekiel) bread (make PB sandwich to eat with shake)
Between Snack and Dinner
- 1 serving Shred JYM or SS8
(*Note - this is only if you want 3 daily servings of Shred JYM or SS8. You can also take Shred JYM or SS8 with the snack or dinner)
- 8 oz. New York Strip Steak (or salmon or other fish, or chicken or other poultry, or pork)
- 1 medium sweet potato (or cup of brown rice or cup of beans)
- 2 cups mixed green Salad
- 2 Tbsp salad dressing (olive oil and vinegar)
- 1 serving Alpha JYM
Nighttime Supplements (1 hour before bed)
- 1 serving ZMA
Before Bed Snack (immediately before bed)
- 1 cup cottage cheese
- or 1 cup Greek yogurt (with 1 teaspoon honey and 1 Tbsp peanut butter)
- or 1 scoop Pro JYM protein powder (due to the blend of whey isolate, milk protein isolate, and micellar casein in Pro JYM, this protein powder provides a slow and steady supply of amino acids for up to 7 hours, which makes it an upgrade from your standard bedtime casein protein shake)
With the removal of the pre-workout and post-workout protein shakes and carbs, the totals drop down to: 3100 calories, 265 g protein, 260 g carbs, and still 110 g fat. For the 200 pound person that equals 16 calories per pound, 1.3 g protein, 1.3 g/carbs and still just above 0.5 g fat per pound of body weight.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Jim Stoppani, PhD is not a medical doctor and does not give medical advice. Please consult with your physician or qualified healthcare provider before embarking on any exercise, diet, or dietary supplement program.
WARNINGS: DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 18, PREGNANT OR NURSING, HAVE ANY KNOWN OR SUSPECTED MEDICAL CONDITIONS, ARE TAKING ANY PRESCRIPTION OR OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS, OR SENSITIVE TO CAFFEINE. Consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using this or any other dietary supplement. If combining SS8 Advanced Fat Burner and Pre JYM X, each contain 300mg of caffeine per serving, the equivalent of approximately 3 cups of coffee. Too much caffeine may cause nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness and/or rapid heartbeat. Immediately discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur.
The information contained on this website including but not limited to video. text, graphics, images, and other material are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.