Sarcev introduces your pecs to his Hyperemia Advantage Training System. There will be growth.
Why won’t my chest grow? How come there’s no separation in my inner pecs? Why is that one area still sagging? Why is my upper chest still paper thin???
These are the questions we hear over and over from guys about their chest-related frustrations. The answer to all of these queries, and about three-dozen others: Because you’ve been training your chest the same damn way for years, that’s why!
It’s the most annoying broken record in the history of bodybuilding – flat and incline presses, followed by flies with dumbbells, cables, and/or a machine. Maybe switch the order of flat and incline every so often, and throw in some declines here and there as well. Yawn.
Milos “The Mind” Sarcev is sounding the alarm on that played-out chest workout to finally awaken some pec-sculpting results. His Hyperemia Advantage Training System is tailor-made for muscle groups like this that have been on cruise control for years. In the below video, Sarcev takes IFBB Pro Matt Maldonado through one of the most gnarly chest workouts we’ve ever witnessed. If you have a pen and paper handy, please take notes. You’ll be glad you did when you look in the mirror with your shirt off in the coming weeks and months.
Milos Sarcev’s Giant Set Chest Workout with IFBB Pro Matt Maldonado
The Workout
The below chest routine hits the pecs from all angles in multiple planes of movement through the use of Sarcev’s trademark giant sets – four or more exercises for one muscle group performed consecutively with minimal rest. Rep counts in the workout went as low as 6 per set, and up to 20+.
Giant Set #1
- Pec Deck Machine
- Incline Dumbbell Press
- Incline Cable Flye
- Bench Press
- Bonus: Incline Bench Press
Giant Set #2
- Incline Bench Press
- Flat-Bench Dumbbell Flye
- Bench Press
- Cable Crossover
- Flat-Bench Dumbbell Press
Giant Set #3
- Dips
- Cable Crossover
- Pec Deck machine
- Flat-Bench Dumbbell Press
- Flat-Bench Cable Flye
Giant Set #4
- Weight Rack Bench Press ("break the glass")
- Flat-Bench Dumbbell Flye
- Smith Machine Incline Press
- Bench Push-Ups
How to Supplement Before, During, and After Training
- Pre JYM X – 1 scoop
- Post JYM BCAAs+ Recovery Matrix – 1 scoop
- Post JYM Fast-Digesting Carb – 1 scoop
- Pro JYM Ultra-Premium Protein Blend – 2 scoops
Hard Training Requires Smart Supplementation – Here’s Why
Supplementation is at the heart of every workout Milos Sarcev oversees — because without providing your body the anabolic amino acids it's craving at the time it's craving them most (during a workout), you’re leaving gains on the table. These amino acids include BCAAs, creatine, beta-alanine, and glutamine. Sarcev is currently working on an exclusive intra-workout formula for the JYM product line, which will include these aminos as well as essential amino acids (EAAs) and simple carbs.
Sarcev explains the intercellular science behind his formula and why it’s so effective during workouts: “Having insulin released into the blood is a good thing when you’re training in the gym,” he says. “That’s why I like simple carbs during a workout – to increase insulin levels. Every muscle contraction during a workout opens up the muscle cells, and those cells are ready for the uptake of hydrolyzed, pre-digested nutrients like EAAs, BCAAs, creatine, and other amino acids. Insulin helps push those nutrients into the muscle cells.”
Until Sarcev’s new JYM intra-workout product launches, he’s happy to have his athletes (like Maldonado) sip on Pre JYM, Pre JYM X, or Post JYM BCAAs+ Recovery Matrix and fast carbs during workouts.
Not all exercises are suitable for everyone, and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. ALWAYS consult your DOCTOR before beginning this or any other exercise program. By performing any of the exercises in this program, you assume ALL risks of injury from doing so. ALWAYS warm up before beginning any workout and NEVER exercise beyond the level at which you feel comfortable.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.