Pre JYM and Pre JYM X contain the best NO boosters you can find for the sickest pumps during your workout.
Good news and bad news regarding your pre-workout…
Let’s get the bad news out of the way first: If your pre-workout contains arginine as a primary pump agent, it is not working.
Now the good news: If you’ve been using Pre JYM and/or Pre JYM X (more recently) all this time, you’re getting the best pumps possible during your workouts.
You probably already knew this. You were either using an arginine product and getting zero pumps during your workout, or you were using Pre JYM or Pre JYM X and stretching the hell out of your shirts in the gym and long after. But it’s still nice when research confirms it.
A brand new scientific review published in 2023 looked at over 50 different studies and confirmed everything we already knew about pump-boosting ingredients – and what Pre JYM and Pre JYM X users have been experiencing for years:
Arginine does essentially NOTHING to produce muscle pumps, while citrulline malate and nitrates produce the best pumps possible.
In other words, Pre JYM was way ahead of its time by including citrulline malate in its original formula starting in 2013, even while countless brands were touting arginine as the #1 pump-boosting ingredient. All of those arginine-loving brands were WRONG.
What the Science Says
In the aforementioned review, exercise science researchers reviewed all the published studies on nitric-oxide-boosting supplements – which included arginine, citrulline, and nitrates – for their ability to boost nitric oxide (NO) levels as well as enhance exercise performance through greater muscular endurance and strength.
The research team concluded that the amino acid arginine was the least effective, as most studies showed little or no ability for arginine to increase NO levels, boost performance, or enhance muscle growth. Why? Because supplemental arginine is not absorbed by the body at a high enough rate to significantly boost NO levels, exercise performance, or muscle growth.
The most effective NO boosters, on the other hand, were shown to be the amino acid citrulline and nitrates. Supplementing with citrulline has long been shown to increase NO levels significantly better than an equal dose of arginine.
Likewise, studies on nitrates suggest that these nitric oxide boosting ingredients, whether from plants like beets or in supplement form, are effective at increasing blood flow and enhancing muscle strength and endurance.
In fact, a recent review and meta-analysis on nitrates published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, which pooled the data from 12 different studies on nitrates and exercise, also confirmed their effectiveness for increasing muscle strength and endurance.
The Proof is in the Pre JYM… and Pre JYM X
Pre JYM has always included 6 grams of citrulline malate along with nitrates from beet extract. Arginine has never been in the Pre JYM formula.
The newer Pre JYM X advanced pre-workout formula, launched in 2022, provides 8 grams of citrulline malate along with 2 grams of citrulline nitrate and betaine nitrate to supply a considerable 872mg of nitrates per serving. And again, no arginine.
The difference between Pre JYM and Pre JYM X and pre-workouts that rely on arginine for a pump is simple: You’ll increase NO levels of muscle more with Pre JYM and Pre JYM X to maximize your pump and strength in the gym and complete more reps.
Science proves it!
Experience the art of formulation. Pre JYM - Supporting muscle pumps since 2013.

Pre JYM 20 Servings - Orange Mango
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