The Mind’s Tip of the Week: Time Under Tension (TUT)

The Mind’s Tip of the Week: Time Under Tension (TUT)

It’s easy to get caught up in counting reps during your workouts, when in fact there’s actually one intra-set training variable that’s arguably more important but often disregarded: time.
JYM Coach Milos Sarcev Breaks Down HIIT vs. Steady State Cardio For Fat Loss

JYM Coach Milos Sarcev Breaks Down HIIT vs. Steady State Cardio For Fat Loss

World renowned bodybuilding coach and nutrition expert Milos Sarcev breaks down the merits of high-intensity interval training vs. ready state cardio for fat loss.
The Mind's Tip of the Week: Prime Your Pump with Pre-Exhaustion

The Mind's Tip of the Week: Prime Your Pump with Pre-Exhaustion

We all have that muscle group that just… won’t… grow. You’ve tried everything – heavy weight, light weight, high reps, low reps, more volume, less volume, more intensity, new exercises – and still nothing. The bodypart won’t budge, damnit.  Well, there’s one training technique you likely haven’t tried, or at least you haven’t fully committed to it: pre-exhaustion (pre-exhaust for short) When a stubborn muscle won’t grow – expecially a big one like chest, back, quads, or delts – pre-exhaust can do the trick. 

The Mind's Tip of the Week: Mind-Muscle Connection the Key to Crazy Growth

The Mind's Tip of the Week: Mind-Muscle Connection the Key to Crazy Growth

If you’re not connecting to your muscles during a workout, you’re not growing. Connecting – what does that mean? It means squeezing the muscles hard AF through every inch of every rep of every set. Slow down on your reps, control the weight completely from start to finish. Make those muscles work so damn hard that a set of 4 reps feels like 100, and 50 pounds feel like 500.